
Friday, 15 May 2020

Prize giving 2020

Prize giving 2020 

Yesterday was a grand day for all of Glenbrae school because it was Glenbrae schools prize giving. 

This years prize giving was slightly different to last years prize giving in some ways. one of them was that this year there is a Maori bilingual class and so some awards were awarded to some of the students in that class. There was also the blessing of the brand new refurbished junior block. an

Monday, 11 May 2020

Car Pollution

How Do Cars Pollute The Environment?

Not everybody would agree but I want to say that when cars burn gasoline, they emit pollutants. Gasoline fumes escape into the air even when we pump gasoline into our fuel tanks. A car emits carbon monoxide when the carbon in fuel doesn't burn completely. A car's exhaust emits hydrocarbons, a toxic compound of hydrogen and carbon.     

I also want to say that car pollution contributes significantly to climate change, which results from a buildup of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere. Burning fossil fuels in cars release carbon dioxide, which is the largest source of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S.A.

Secondly, I would like to say that car pollution can also harm human health like particulates matter,
Hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, and other car pollutants harm human health. Diesel engines emit high levels of particulate matter, which are airborne particles of soot and metal. These cause skin and eye irritation and allergies, and very fine particles lodge deep in the lungs, where they cause respiratory problems. Hydrocarbons react with nitrogen dioxide and sunlight and form ozone, which is beneficial in the upper atmosphere but harmful at ground level.

 Ozone inflamed lungs, causing chest pains and coughing and making it difficult to breathe. Carbon monoxide, Another exhaust gas is particularly dangerous to infants and people suffering from heart disease because it interferes with the blood's ability to transport oxygen. Other car pollutants that harm human health include sulfur dioxide, benzene, and formaldehyde. Noise from cars is also harmful, damaging hearing and causing ear problems.

Furthermore, I would like to say that there are alternatives. There are several ways that car and truck owners can reduce the effects of car pollutants on the environment. Old and poorly maintained vehicles cause most pollution from cars, but electric, hybrid, and other clean, fuel-efficient cars have a reduced impact. When buying a new car, check the fuel economy and environment label. High ratings mean low pollution levels.

Maximize fuel economy by removing all unneeded items, such as roof racks, and driving steadily, rather than accelerating quickly and braking hard. Keep your vehicle well-maintained, with regular tune-ups and tire checks, and leave the car at home whenever you can. Walk, bike, or use public transportation when possible.

Thursday, 7 May 2020

Plastic bags should be banned persuasive writing.

It is not biodegradable 
Sea creatures can choke on it by thinking that it is Jelly fish
It can pollute the environment and waterways. 

Although not everybody would agree
that plastic bags should be banned,
I believe that plastic bags should be
banned because plastic bags pollute
our land and water. Since plastic bags
are so lightweight, they can travel long
distances by wind and water. They litter
our landscapes, get caught in fences and
trees, float around in waterways, and can
eventually make their way into the world's oceans.  

 I have several reasons for arguing my point
of view. Plastic bags tend to disrupt the environment
seriously. They get into soil and slowly release toxic
chemicals. They eventually break down into the soil,
with the unfortunate result being that animals eat them
and often choke and die. 

My third reason is that plastic bags are petroleum-based
and do not biodegrade. Sea turtles and other marine
creatures mistake plastics and other garbage as food
(such as jellyfish) and ingest it. This mistake causes
blockages within their digestive system and they eventually die.

Furthermore I would like to say that the impact of
plastic bags on the environment is enormous.
As of August 2010, between 500 billion and 1
\ trillion plastic bags are being used each year
worldwide. Approximately 100,000 sea turtles
and other marine animals die every year because
they either mistake the bags for food or get
strangled in them, according to Natural Environment. 

In Australia, 50 million garbage bags end up as
litter yearly, and the “plastic soup” patch floating
in the Pacific Ocean is twice the size of the continental
United States. It is roughly 80 percent plastic, according
to The Independent, a British newspaper. 

Over 1,000 turtles die each year just because of plastic
bags being not disposed of properly and going into
the drains and they travel to the ocean and then turtles
mistake them for Jellyfish and then they eat it and then it kills them. 

I would also like to say there are alternatives to plastic
bags, such as non biodegradable cloth bags which some
supermarkets have already started to provide you with.
Some of them are Countdown, Pak N Save, 4 Square and many more.

I strongly believe that plastic bags should be banned
and there are my reasons.
Hi Arman; this is a very good persuasive writing.
However,could you suggest to your readers as to
what could be the alternative to plastic bags. How about: reusable
cloth or paper bags. You could add this to your last paragraph.

Wednesday, 6 May 2020