
Wednesday, 23 June 2021

Table Tennis

 I was looking forward to playing Table Tennis and when we reached the hall we saw that there were three tables laid out and I got exited because I knew that we were going to play a real game. After he gave us instructions the girls went and played around the world and the boys played beat the champ.

How to play Beat the champ:

So you line up then you decide who is going to be the champ and they stand on one side of the table. The opponent will always serve. You do a rally and if the champ wins then you go to the back of the line and the next person comes. If the opponent wins then the champ will go to the back of the line and the opponent will become the champ and stand on the other side of the table.

How to play Around the world:

So our coach stood as the main player at one side of the table and the opponents stood in a line and the coach served the ball and you have to hit it back to his side after it bounces once on your side and when you hit it you run around the table and to the back of the line. If you miss your shot then you are out. I made it to the second round. The next round where I got out was where the coach hit the ball to you and then you hit it back and then he straight away hits it for the next person in line. So you have to hit it then run around the table to the back of the line. This was the round where I got out. The last two people in the boys were Wuatai and Ali-Jon. And in the girls was Unita and Taijah.  The final round was to 5 points. Out of the girls Taijah won and out of the boys Wuatai won. The winner got five mentos and the second place got three mentos.  

Fancy a game of Table Tennis? | Pakuranga Plaza

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